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Nano Drex Silicone Render EWI-077

Nano Drex Silicone Render is our most advanced, high technology silicone-based render. It is extremely hydrophobic, offering unrivalled performance. Rather than settling on the surface of the render and creating dampness and mould, any water that comes into contact with the render will form droplets that then repel from its surface. Nano Drex Silicone actively prevents problems with organic growth on the external walls of your home, ensuring a perfect and long-lasting render finish for years to come.

Intended Uses

Unlike our dry-mix renders, Nano Drex Silicone Render is a ready-to-use render. Suitable for use on brick, concrete, traditional plasters, gypsum substrates and chipboards, it is highly versatile, thereby perfect for a range of property types. The render is a mixture of nano-particle silicone polymers, mineral fillers and pigments. Nano Drex Silicone Render is also available in thousands of colours, catering to every taste.

Application Conditions

  • Application and setting temperature: from +5°C to +25°C.
  • Nano Drex Silicone Render should be applied in temperate weather and should not be used in temperatures above 30°C. Likewise, if the materials or the substrate are frozen, or if there is any risk of frost damage within the first 24 hours, work should be postponed.
  • Nano Drex Silicone Render should not be applied in rain or humid conditions, or if wet weather is expected before the render has set.
  • Setting time is typically 12-48 hours, although this is dependent upon environment and humidity.
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