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What Sustainability Projects Do We Support?

At our company, we are deeply committed to creating a sustainable future by actively participating in environmental conservation and restoration projects. Our partnership with Switch2Zero on sustainability projects has been instrumental in allowing us to offset our carbon emissions significantly and reduce plastic waste in the oceans.

Commitment to carbon offsetting

Carbon offsetting is a critical tool in the fight against climate change. It works by allowing companies and individuals to invest in environmental projects around the world in order to balance out their own carbon emissions. The projects we support range from renewable energy initiatives to reforestation and biogas programs—all designed to absorb or prevent the release of carbon dioxide. This approach is part of a broader strategy to achieve a lower carbon footprint while promoting cleaner, more sustainable technologies and practices.

Our offsetting strategy is diverse, involving several types of projects that significantly impact reducing atmospheric CO2 levels. For instance, our investment in renewable energy projects such as wind and solar power plays a pivotal role in transitioning away from fossil fuels, the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions. By funding these projects, we contribute to the global shift towards sustainable energy sources.

In addition to renewable energy, we support projects that harness biogas and biomass energy. These projects utilise organic waste materials to create energy, reducing methane emissions—a potent greenhouse gas—and providing renewable energy to communities. This mitigates climate change and turns waste into a valuable resource, fostering a circular economy.

Our carbon offsetting initiatives are global, reaching communities in Asia, Africa, and South America. This worldwide approach ensures that we contribute to carbon reduction on a global scale, aligning with international efforts to combat climate change.

Our sustainability projects

Renewable energy projects
  • Solar Power: We support the SFPL solar power CDM project in India and the Burgos wind project in the Philippines. These projects leverage solar and wind energy to generate clean, renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Wind Energy: Our contributions help finance the 50 MW Wind Power Project in Madhya Pradesh, India, and the Wigton Windfarm II in Jamaica, promoting wind as a sustainable energy source.
  • Hydropower: In Peru, we support the Nuevo Imperial Hydro power plant, which utilises the natural water flow to produce electricity with minimal environmental impact.
Reforestation and biogas energy
  • Tree Planting: Locally, we have planted 121 trees, which will capture approximately 24.2 tonnes of CO2 over their lifetimes and provide a lasting benefit for future generations.
  • Biogas and Biomass: Projects like the Biogas Programme in Kenya and the Biomass Energy Conservation Programme in Malawi use organic waste materials to produce energy, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Improved cookstoves
  • Reducing Emissions in Daily Cooking: By funding the Qori Q’oncha Improved Cookstoves project in Peru and the Improved Cookstove project in Nkhata Bay District, Malawi, we help reduce the amount of biomass burned in households, thus reducing indoor pollution and forest degradation.

Our oceanic initiatives focus on removing plastic waste, which seriously threatens marine life and ecosystems. Our efforts in this area are part of our broader commitment to preserve natural habitats and biodiversity. We believe in transparency and accountability in our sustainability efforts. Up to May 2024, we have helped offset a significant amount of CO2 and contributed to removing plastic waste from oceans. Detailed statistics and financial commitments are available in our public ledger, ensuring that every contribution we make is documented and traceable.

What are we doing internally about our processes?

Recognising the importance of internal practices in achieving sustainability, our company has adopted several key initiatives to minimise our environmental impact from within. These measures span from enhancing our transportation and packaging methods to optimising our energy use, reflecting our holistic approach to environmental responsibility.

Smart transportation mapping

One of our pivotal internal strategies is implementing smart transportation mapping. This initiative involves optimising logistics and commuting practices to reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation. By using advanced routing algorithms and data analytics, we can plan the most efficient delivery vehicle routes, significantly lowering fuel consumption. Additionally, we encourage carpooling and public transportation among our employees, further contributing to our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Choosing sustainable packaging suppliers

We are committed to reducing waste through sustainable packaging choices. This commitment involves meticulously selecting suppliers and prioritising environmentally friendly materials and production methods. By partnering with suppliers using recyclable and biodegradable materials, we ensure our packaging solutions do not contribute to landfill waste. This strategy aligns with our sustainability goals and resonates with our customers who value eco-friendly packaging.

Implementing heating, cooling, and energy use policies

Our approach to managing our heating, cooling, and overall energy consumption is defined by strict internal policies that promote efficiency and minimal environmental impact. These policies include setting thermostats at energy-saving temperatures during non-business hours and using programmable thermostats to reduce energy waste. We also actively encourage all employees to adopt energy-saving practices, such as turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use.

Installing smart meters

To further our commitment to energy efficiency, we have installed smart meters throughout our facilities. These devices provide real-time data on energy usage, allowing us to monitor and manage our consumption more effectively. The insights gained from these meters enable us to identify peak usage times and potential energy savings areas, helping us make informed decisions about our energy use and significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

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